Gluten, Dairy, & Nut Free Options

We know what it's like to live with a restricted diet, as we have several family members with food sensitivities. Because we want everyone to be able to enjoy a special treat, we offer a variety of foods that those who eat varying diets can enjoy.  The flavors you see below can be special ordered as cupcakes by the dozen or as a cake (6" or 8"). 

Although we take MANY steps to avoid cross-contamination, we cannot guarantee that our products are completely free of food allergens, such as dairy, gluten, peanuts or tree nuts &  we do not claim to be a certified gluten/dairy/nut free facility



Birthday Cake (vanilla cake/vanilla icing)

Strawberry (strawberry cake/ strawberry icing)

Lemon Drop (lemon cake filled with lemon icing/ lemon icing)

Wedding Cake (almond cake/ almond icing)

Chocolate Cream (chocolate cake filled with vanilla icing/ fudge icing)

Pink Chocolate (chocolate cake/ pink (vanilla) icing)

Butter Cake (butter-almond cake/butter-vanilla icing)

Chocoholic (chocolate cake/ chocolate icing)

Coconut (coconut cake/ coconut icing)

Hot Fudge (chocolate cake filled with fudge/ vanilla icing)

Cookies & Cream (chocolate cake/ "oreo" icing)

...and more